
AlienVault Unified
Security Management

Now known as AT&T Cybersecurity, AlienVault® Unified Security Management® (USM) delivers powerful threat detection, incident response, and compliance management across cloud, on-premises, and hybrid environments.

Simplicity joined forces with AlienVault to provide robust security monitoring and compliance as an approved MSSP (or managed services solutions provider). AlienVault combines multiple security capabilities into one platform: asset discovery, vulnerability assessment, intrusion detection, incident response, SIEM, and log management. The result is a single dashboard providing a holistic view into your entire security environment, allowing you to have more robust threat detection, quicker incident response, and deeper compliance management capabilities for all of your critical environments.

  • Asset Discovery

    Identify all of your network assets and get more visibility into them with automated asset discovery and scanning.

  • Intrusion Detection

    Detect threats in environments with built-in cloud IDS, network IDS, and host-based IDS.

  • Security Automation

    Automated incident response and orchestration allows IT teams and security operations to work more effectively.

  • SIEM & Log Management

    Collect and analyze SIEM information with robust log management, all in one place.

  • Endpoint Detection & Response

    Get centralized and automated threat hunting on endpoints across cloud and on-premises environments.

  • Threat Detection

    Advanced detection that evolves as threats evolve, allowing your organization to rapidly detect and respond to attacks.

  • Threat Intelligence

    Security analysts continuously research emerging threats and incorporate the latest intelligence into the platform.

  • Vulnerability Assessment

    Scan and monitor your environments at whichever level you need, from the assets themselves, to asset groups, and even entire networks.